be loud amplifies kid confidence through radio & digital media production

hear their stories. in their voices.

Tune in every Saturday Morning on 102.3FM WHIV

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about be loud

We help kids turn screens into tools for self expression and courageous collaboration. Being “loud” means showing up, creating something different, being assertive. Youth need more space to practice their “loudness,” especially in our digital world. Whether it be with a microphone or camera, we trust youth to be creators (not just consumers) –their opinions, ideas, and perspectives are valid and must be expressed.

Be Loud exists to amplify kid voice in a time where too many youth are silenced. Kids have things to say. We want to give them the platform to not only share their stories, but to confidently broadcast them to the larger community. By doing so, we believe that they will feel affirmed and confident to become more active changemakers, listeners, and culture bearers. 

Here are three comments young people have said about our programs, and in many ways, they sum up what Be Loud is all about: kids building community, trying new things, and having the space to become their best selves.

What does it mean to be loud?
it means...

Be Loud makes me proud of myself and heard by my community.

Be Loud makes me get out of my comfort zone and try new things.‍

Be Loud makes me the person I am.

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Be Loud at Preservation Hall

Be Loud visited Preservation Hall and it was an incredible experience to capture First, members of the Preservation Hall Legacy band performed for the DJs. DJs then recorded short reflections on what it felt like to be sitting in this historic venue listening to these amazing musicians play with such skill and joy.

Live at the Dew Drop Inn

DJs on the Scene! Listen to Be Loud DJs interview members of the New Orleans community with ties to the historic Dew Drop Inn as the Inn plans to finally reopen after years of disrepair following Hurricane Katrina.

Be Loud at Jazz Fest

DJs on the Scene! Listen to Be Loud DJs share their thoughts on the festival, as well as interview tourists, attendees, artists, musicians and workers!

Hot Seat with Tank and the Bangas

DJ Dice, DJ Loud, and DJ Colby interviewed the amazing @tankandthebangas. From their favorite food to their creative process, our DJs asked fire questions to this amazing group of musicians and humans. Big shout out to the band for their time, positivity, and words of wisdom. There was so much good energy in the conversation that we are breaking it into two parts. Be sure to check out part 2!

Be Loud on Social Media

In this episode, Be Loud DJs met with Lauren LaRose and Mariana Barry Boyd, two experts working to share and promote how social media affects teenagers. DJ Bird and Diggity Deuce sat down with them and asked important questions on how we can build a more balanced and informed relationship with technology. But, we also wanted to give youth an opportunity to share their own perspective. Be Loud DJs recorded insights into their digital lives. Exploring the highs and lows of social media engagement. So tune in and listen to our next segment on social media and what the digital world means to Be Loud Teens.

Hot Seat with Jerome Morgan

Be Loud DJs are interviewing local leaders, creators, and activists via Zoom, asking them questions about their life and learning from their unique experience. This week, DJ Rose and dj dj interviewed Jerome Morgan from Ngombo Cafe and Sanctuary. Jerome shared his experience in prison and more importantly, the courage and community he found when freed and exonerated in 2017. Thank you Jerome for your patience, time, and positive energy with Be Loud.

Excited about our work?

Join us

Due to COVID-19, Be Loud Studios has shifted all programming to virtual. Although bummed to be recording from a distance, we are still so excited by the work and community that Be Loud kids are creating. Check out our programs for Fall 2022.

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what our kids are saying

voices from be loud

"Sometimes it can be hard to show pride. Pride is something, a part of you, that no one should be able to take away from you or judge you about it.”

dj storm icon

DJ Storm

"What I feel when I hear Black Lives Matter is… I feel…I feel like I am ready to fight for justice."

dj gossip icon

DJ Gossip

“Fear is something hard.
Almost impossible to
Overcome. But if you face
It, you no longer have it.”

atl icon

dj atla

“Some people may say that you are too little for this or you’re not old enough but you can do beyond what they think.”

volume icon

DJ turn up the music

“One thing I learned during the Coronavirus pandemic is to not take the little things in life for granted like hanging out with grandparents or going to the movies.”

dice icon

dj dice

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Our work Is made possible with

our partners

Young Futures
4.0 schools
NOLA jazz and heritage foundation
Arts Council Of New Orleans
826 New Orleans
First Horizon